Jonas KOKO : Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics


My main research interest  is the numerical optimization, particularly design of efficient algorithms for finite or infinite dimensional optimization problems. In virtually all branches of engineering and industry, the search for optimality (cost, energy, profits, ...) is challenging, because of the high computational cost, the nonlinearity or the non-smoothness of functions involved. I address these difficulties using algorithms from duality theory and convex analysis (Aternating Direction Method of Multiplier aka ADMM, Uzawa conjugate gradient algorithm, primal-dual active set algorithm, Nesterov algorithm, etc).
My research interests are in all areas that intersect with numerical optimization including operations research, computational mechanics, scientific computing, parallel computing, high performance computing.
The algorithms are designed and implemented using MATLAB/OCTAVE, C, FORTRAN or CUDA with the aim to best fulfill the following scalability properties:
  • the number of iterations is (virtually) independent of the size of the problem;
  • the CPU time is proportional to the size of the  problem.

Parallel  ADMM / Nesterov methods for large-scale minimization

tridiagonal function Rosenbrock function
elliptic pde 1 elliptic pde 2

Nonlinear Stokes equation with stick/slip boundary condition

back-step slip back-step stick
driven cavity 1 driven cavity 2

Navier-Stokes equation with stick/slip boundary condition

driven-lid cavity driven-lid cavity
driven-lid cavity driven-lid cavity

Unilateral contact

Hertz 2D Obstacle 3D

Mesh Generation using the eikonal equation

square with holes square whith holes
hook-form hook-form

PhD students / Post doc

  • Benoit Albert, PhD candidate codirected with V. Antoine (LIMOS)
  • Amina Chorfi (2020), codirected with O. Bodart (Univ. St-Etienne), now research assistant, Université Clermont-Auvergne
  • Nicolas Wagner (2020), codirected with V. Antoine (LIMOS) and I. Vessier (INRAE), research engineer at Inteact Software
  • Melodie Angeletti (2019), codirected with J.-M. Bonny (INRAE), now research engineer TSE, Toulouse
  • Firmin Andzembe-Okoubi (2016), now  engineer at CELAD, Nice
  • T. Virin (2007), codirected with Ph. Martinet (LASMEA), now engineer at Michelin, Clermont-Ferrand.

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